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Steve Grenier's Hood
Your thoughts on Marijuana
Published on December 13, 2004 By
Steve Grenier
I have tried having this conversion on other forums but it always gets out of hand with people flaming eachother. I just want to have a conversation about the subject and hear peoples thoughts on it and maybe clear some rumors about it up. There are many people who think it's bad and that it's very bad for your lungs. Me being from Canada I smoke it regularly so I don't have a problem with it. The only factor I can see is that it is bad for the lungs as is any smoke to inhale. I was thinking for medical reasons, if they extracted the THC from inside the plant and simply put it in canisters and distrubute it to patients much like anesthesia. That way there is no lung damage from inhaling the smoke and the patients can be given certian dosages to scale rather than having to
smoke up
Say what you have to say. All opinions welcome.
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Comments (Page 12)
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on Dec 17, 2005
Whoa whoa whoa. You drive while stoned? That's dangerous. I support legalization but what you're doing is reckless. That's one of the reasons some people probably fear legalization, is irresponsible idiots like you going about driving stoned. While (possibly) not that harmful than cigerettes, and definetely less harmful than alcohol, that's no excuse to have tons of stoned people walking and driving around all over the place. Anyone who has toked up will tell you that it does impair your reasoning and definetely your reactions. Encouraging others to drive is stupid. Some people do it, but it doesn't make it wise. You just lost yourself a supporter Steve. I agreed with you up until I read the driving part.
on Dec 17, 2005
Thoughts on marijuana. Ok, uh, let's see. Umm, well it's cool
and uh, really, like, oh man, ummm, wait a second man, I had a thought man. whssssssssssssssssh......k......wait........hold on.........whhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Yeah so, you were saying. Oh! right! yeah!
This is funny man.
Have you ever noticed how funny the word 'hello' sounds? HELLOOOOOOOO. HEllllllOOOOOOOOOOO
Oh man, that's a riot man.
So my thoughts, right. Ummmmm, ahhhh, where's the Dorito's and dip?
Fourth Letter
on Feb 06, 2006
use a vapourizer and you can remove harmful smoke from the equation , people forget that they say Cannabis has a higher tar content than tobacco but you smoke much less cannabis.It's class C in the UK now (same as prescription drugs) The nay sayers are always drinkers and if people really worry about mental health problems associated (but not substantuated) with cannabis they should watch drunk people beat each other to death in town centers all across the world
on Feb 07, 2006
Marijuana affects a variety of hormones that are regulated by hypothalamic function and it appears that the psychoactive ingredient, THC, is the major compound responsible for this action. It is probable that THC affects these hormones through its ability to alter various neural transmitters in the hypothalamus or neural transmitters in the CNS which impinge on the hypothalamus. The dopaminergic and serotonergic fibers seem to be particularly important. The two gonadotropins, LH and FSH, secreted by the pituitary gland are of major importance to reproduction in the male. Both gonadotropins appear to respond to a single releasing factor from the hypothalamus, GnRH, which is sensitive to catecholamine neurotransmitters. The THC-induced block of GnRH release results in lowered LH and FSH which is responsible for reduced testosterone production by the Leydig cells of the testis. Other hormones that might have a synergistic or antagonistic effect upon reproduction in the male are the adrenal cortical hormones, prolactin, thyroid hormones, and growth hormones. THC appears to depress prolactin, thyroid gland function, and growth hormone while elevating adrenal cortical steroids. Chronic exposure of laboratory animals, such as rats, mice, and monkeys to marijuana and to the various cannabinoids in marijuana has altered the function of several of the accessory reproductive organs. Reports of reduced prostate and seminal vesicle weights, as well as altered testicular function, have been partially explained by the effect of marijuana in lowering serum testosterone needed for proper function and support. Although some of the change in organ weight may be due to lowered testosterone production by the Leydig cells of the testis, some of the weight changes may be due to a direct action of THC, and perhaps some of the other nonpsychoactive cannabinoids in marijuana, on the tissue themselves. Also, of concern are the reports that acute cannabinoid treatments affects the quality and quantity of spermatozoa produced by the testis. The question is still unanswered as to whether or not the effects observed on spermatozoa are due to a direct action of the cannabinoids on spermatogenesis, or whether some of the observed effects may be due to altered hormone levels which are necessary for the support of spermatogenesis. Reduced testosterone and FSH may be important in producing the observed changes in sperm production by the seminiferous tubules. Many of the effects on the endocrine system caused by chronic treatment of animals with THC are completely reversible with time and there is reason to believe that tolerance develops to these effects with acute exposure to THC
on Apr 06, 2006
i agree drugs are horrible i dont under stand why people use them it's stupid.i have a relative who smokes it's bad for the enviroment and you waste thousands of dollars a year. it's bad for you and if underaged kid is near you it's basically second hand smoke
on Apr 06, 2006
i agree drugs are horrible i dont under stand why people use them it's stupid.i have a relative who smokes it's bad for the enviroment and you waste thousands of dollars a year. it's bad for you and if underaged kid is near you it's basically second hand smoke
Steve Grenier
on Apr 06, 2006
I love how even in 2006 people reply to an article written in 2004. Now I have cleared my mind since I have originally posted this. I still use, but I understand it all now much better. I agree not using clears your mind allows you to focus and think better, driving while sober is much better but can also be worse for those with road rage as marijuana helps relax. That is the only reason I still use is simple to relax as I have a life full of stress and I'm not a heavy drinker. I'm not going to argue it makes anything better, it makes everything worse, but not to an extent of extreme danger. I keep it outta my business and outta the shit I need to focus on, strictly only used during my spare/free time. I will eventually decrease use until it is no more, I am already on the decline. So I wanted to end this on a positive note and not a "GO WEED!!!" post.
You shouldn't do it, but those that do, I'm not going to judge, because there really is no point. I don't believe in the laws surrounding it, but I won't get into that. I hope everyone from now on can keep their thoughts to themselves and let this finally rest. Enough as been said, and thats all that needs to be said.
on Apr 08, 2006
With regards to the comments about it being illegal to drive while under the influence of Marijuana, this has just been found not to be the case by a judge here in Canada, who decided that there is no proof as to what the actual impairment is and that so far it can't be measured. He recently dismissed a case of impaired driving. While I agree there is no way to measure it, that it impairs ones ability is a fact, I as a long term smoker will not deny, but so do many things that are not drug related like talking on a cell phone which they are finally making illegal in some places. I would also point out that I did not get my drivers licence until I was 27 because I used to like to party and never wanted to even have to make the decision whether I was too impaired to drive.
on Nov 02, 2006
as it goes 4 the lady who thinks pot shouldnt be legal should sit back and rethink her view. marijuana is a very good and effective drug. ive used it for years for cronic back pain and mental uses advised firmly by doctors. if u think acohol is a better to be legal the pot than u need your head examined. i have lost several freinds and family members due to alcojol due to alcohol poisioning or accidents due to driving drunk, but yet i have yet lost nobody to smoking pot so if u see any harm there then u need thrown out of our country or shot. im a strong beliver in pot it has acctualy saved people i know personaly. it saved my aunt and uncle whoe had cancer but is in remission due to pot and help my best freind of 15 yrs who has m s. and now is able to walk. so im strongly for legalizing pot.
on Nov 02, 2006
marijuana is not as bad as smoking or drinking
Do not be disillusioned. Smoking marijuana is far worst than somking cigarettes.
Smoking both cigs and pot produce the carcinogen benzopyrene. Make no mistake that this substance is astronomically more present in marijuana than it is in cigarettes.
This is the major substance that is most harmful when smoking any organic substance.
on Nov 02, 2006
You are, in essence, retarding your growth in many ways.
If you are contending that marijuana retards ones mental capacity, your sadly mistaken.
Your going to have to come up with a bit more than words to convince me and many others of this one.
Not to say that it is not dangerous to grown adults, just that the younger you start, the more likely a problem(s) will develop
How so?
on Nov 02, 2006
I would estimate that over 50% of chronic male smokers over the age of 40 have a testosterone deficiency.
Are you so certain that this happens whether or not one smokes pot?
Please show me where this claim comes from.
on Nov 02, 2006
Well, the doctors says that Marijuana is bad for the brain.
Do they really? Show me.
Because I can tell you right no that many doctors in the State of California are referring their patients to the leagal right to smoke medicinal marijuana.
on Nov 02, 2006
I look at our society before pot was banned in 1937 and after. I can't seem to find any real benefit that was gained by the ban. Maybe there hasn't been much benefit because the ban has almost universally failed. Pot is every bit as prevalent and easy to get as it was back in the 20s. Most U.S. cities have decriminalized it to the point that just using it rarely leads to an arrest.
The whole "medical marijuana" movement has been hijacked by the "legalization" crowd though. This has given the anti marijuana crowd ammunition in fighting against medical use. I mean, when you see people with no medical need, openly toking at a medical use demonstration, you quickly see that medical need is furthest from some of the activist's minds.
But the fact remains, it is still illegal. If the activists want it legalized, it is on them to show why the ban is wrong. Simply saying, "because it's not as dangerous as..." isn't a legitimage argument. While it's true that pot isn't as dangerous as tobacco or alcohol, in smoking it, you are still inhaling the smoke of a carbon based substance... meaning you are still sucking down all sorts of poisonous gasses (including carbon monoxide).
Another point that undermines medicinal marijuana is how strongly the activists fight against synthetic THC or (as you suggest) THC in another form). If it helps the people as well as smoking pot does (and helping releive pain is the point), then why do they fight against it so hard?
The pro marijuana groups are targeting the wrong departments though. Instead of working in each state, fighting a battle that won't stand up in federal coursts, they should be lobbying the FDA directly. The ONLY thing that has to happen to clear the way for medicinal marijuana would be for the FDA to change it's status from a Schedule V drug (no medicinal value but high instance of abuse) to a Schedule IV drug (high instance of abuse, but having medicinal value). That would allow states to keep it illegal for recreational use, but allow doctors to prescribe it (basically putting in with Morphine).
on Nov 06, 2006
It kills you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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