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Steve Grenier's Hood
Your thoughts on Marijuana
Published on December 13, 2004 By
Steve Grenier
I have tried having this conversion on other forums but it always gets out of hand with people flaming eachother. I just want to have a conversation about the subject and hear peoples thoughts on it and maybe clear some rumors about it up. There are many people who think it's bad and that it's very bad for your lungs. Me being from Canada I smoke it regularly so I don't have a problem with it. The only factor I can see is that it is bad for the lungs as is any smoke to inhale. I was thinking for medical reasons, if they extracted the THC from inside the plant and simply put it in canisters and distrubute it to patients much like anesthesia. That way there is no lung damage from inhaling the smoke and the patients can be given certian dosages to scale rather than having to
smoke up
Say what you have to say. All opinions welcome.
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Comments (Page 1)
13 Pages
on Dec 13, 2004
"Me Being from Canada....." what does that have to do with anything. Smoking it has blurred your mind. I'm from Canada as well and I do have a problem with it. Do you drive when your high from "smoking up" or you don't have a problem with that either.
science guy
on Dec 13, 2004
marijuana is not as bad as smoking or drinking.. i dont get why they make them legal....
Steve Grenier
on Dec 13, 2004
I agree. The meaning
"Me being from Canada..."
simply met the laws here are much lighter on the drug than in the US. As far as driving I do drive after
"smoking up"
because it doesn't create any problems. There however is a big difference between drinking and driving. Look at anyone who drinks. Some people
drive fine after having 1 beer or 1 glass of wine. I can drive fine after 1 joint. I can understand getting completely wasted and not being able to see the road, but drinking and smoking are the same. When your hammered out of your mind you can't drive.
on Dec 14, 2004
Just yesterday the Victorian Police introduced the world's first 'Drug test' Booze Bus ....testing for those 'party drugs' much favoured by idiot-ravers .....[and Truckies] ....took ten minutes to catch their first. And it's a zero tolerance, I believe ....first offence 3 months and 300 dollars, I think.....
on Dec 14, 2004
Being from the U.S. I believe it should be used medicinally if prescribed by a Doctor. Some U.S. laws are very antiquated when it comes to drugs and what can be termed as of "medical" value. As for recreational use...I don't care if people smoke it or not...however, as in the case of Drunk Drivers, well...just don't hit me or mine... .
on Dec 14, 2004
One thing that I have noticed about grass is that it's a drug that is often used out of boredom. If you have nothing else to do it sorta kills time and fills that void. If you become used to it the effects become pretty easy to manage, so a user can smoke almost any time. The problem is that the more you use the more bored you become and the more you use. I have seen that pattern in myself, and after quitting, in all of my friends that still smoke.
Lady Aarielle
on Dec 14, 2004
I agree with Old Crab.... just don't get behind the wheel.
on Dec 14, 2004
Just yesterday the Victorian Police introduced the world's first 'Drug test' Booze Bus
Yes, I read about this, and apparently if it's a successful trial, it will be 'adopted and adapted' by many nations.
So ...the days of tokin' and drivin' may well be numbered (everywhere).
on Dec 14, 2004
Well, there's people who smoke now and then and you'd never know it meeting them, and then there's the complete burnouts and waste cases. People who can handle it for recreational use are fine, but the true potheads are way too prelavent, making asses of themselves and becoming a drain on society. Pot is too widely available, especially to younger people who definitely won't be able to handle it. The stuff should be controlled, if not completely removed.
on Dec 14, 2004
I put it in the same class as drinking and smoking. Rather dumb habits, but as long as it doesn't bother me, I don't mind. I do have a grudge with smoking in general, since it, by default, is something you will bother others with (unless you lock yourself up in a controlled environment). But that aside.
It is currently legal here to use it for medical purposes. So if it works for those users, I'd say go for it.
Scott P (Anonymous User)
on Dec 14, 2004
"Some people" can drive fine after having 1 beer or 1 glass of wine. I can drive fine after 1 joint. What about those people who think they can and then kill your loved ones in an auto accident? Is it still ok?
on Dec 14, 2004
Drugs are bad. Mkay!
Sleeping Dragon
on Dec 14, 2004
Well, having been addicted to many things (substances, I mean. not websites) and having quit all of those same things, what I have noticed about Marijauna is that it causes apathy. And that plays out in a lot of areas of life. There are not many CEO's that HABITUALLY smoke, because they need to be on top of their game. They cannot be sleepy and have the munchies while discussing a merger. Many people cannot afford the luxury of a lifestlyle of a "mental haze". I also noticed that things that don't effect you when you are a teenager, will affect you when you are older. If you want to stay sharp, lay off the stuff. Just my experience.
on Dec 14, 2004
Sleeping Dragon hit it on the head. APATHY.....It becomes EASIER to just sit at home and not deal with other "straight" people. I credit the birth of my son with showing me just how much I had withdrawn from life. It's funny how once I quit I didn't even miss it. I wasn't the same with cigarettes. Even after almost six years I still have dreams about them.
Steve Grenier
on Dec 14, 2004
I agree with most of the points you have mentioned here. It does dull your senses and in the long run it will be something you will need to lay off of if you want to run a business or what not. There are also a portion of the people that use the drug that make asses out of themselves and give it a very bad rep, but that is with anything. You can't tell me that there are
of people that abuse alcohol and make complete asses out of themselves giving it also a bad rep. There is always going to be the few bad apples. I'll admit driving will on it isn't the best in the world but it's much different then driving while drunk.
The main thing that bothers me about it is the fact that cigarettes are legal and this is not. Cigarettes imo are much worse then Marijuana. They are loaded with chemicals and made to be highly addictive. Ask anyone who has smoked both for at least a year and which is harder to quit. Just look at Lantec who said he still has dreams of smoking cigarettes.
Jafo what is that Victorian Police thing about?
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