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Steve Grenier's Hood
Your thoughts on Marijuana
Published on December 13, 2004 By
Steve Grenier
I have tried having this conversion on other forums but it always gets out of hand with people flaming eachother. I just want to have a conversation about the subject and hear peoples thoughts on it and maybe clear some rumors about it up. There are many people who think it's bad and that it's very bad for your lungs. Me being from Canada I smoke it regularly so I don't have a problem with it. The only factor I can see is that it is bad for the lungs as is any smoke to inhale. I was thinking for medical reasons, if they extracted the THC from inside the plant and simply put it in canisters and distrubute it to patients much like anesthesia. That way there is no lung damage from inhaling the smoke and the patients can be given certian dosages to scale rather than having to
smoke up
Say what you have to say. All opinions welcome.
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Comments (Page 11)
13 Pages
on Dec 17, 2004
Smoking pot does have risks. do not be fooled. I am a 40 year old chronic pot smoking male who has experienced hormone problems. I have a lack of FSH, LH, and Human Growth Factor. These all lead to androgen deficiency (lack of testosterone)and osteoporosis.
There are a lot of people that will doubt this...so I urge chronic male smokers to go to their doctors to have there testosterone level checked. You may also have osteoporosis (which can still be fixed by testosterone replacement).
Look up DRONABINOL in any nursing/pharmaceutical index and it will show you a lot of information. DRONABINOL is a cannabinoid oil given to people who have extreme nausea from chemotherapy or wasting syndrome for A.I.D.S.
on Dec 17, 2004
you have a lot of stress at 16 or 17? wait until you grow up.
Steve Grenier
on Dec 17, 2004
Thats a rather arrogant comment considering you have no idea what my life is like. What I appear to be like over the internet is nothing like my real life. There is a lot I have to deal with and there is no way for you to know what I have to go through so I will just leave it at that.
As for those chemical unbalances in for the males how long would you think I should wait from smoking before I go get them checked out, because I might go to my doctor and check up on myself. I'm wondering if there would be a waste of time from going now and that I should wait a few years until I'm an adult before I go and have it checked out.
on Dec 17, 2004
Putting any mood or mind altering chemical into your body becomes even more dangerous prior to mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual maturity. You are, in essence, retarding your growth in many ways. Not to say that it is not dangerous to grown adults, just that the younger you start, the more likely a problem(s) will develop. If you believe that you are doing something that may create physical problems and causes you to question whether you should see a doctor or not, aren't you answering your own question about the drug?
on Dec 17, 2004
If you smoke pot...your testosterone levels drop.....I do not know what period of time it takes for the body to stop testosterone production. Symptoms of androgen deficiency include lack of libido, gynecomastia (breast tissue development in men), depression, weight gain, loss of muscle tone.
I would estimate that over 50% of chronic male smokers over the age of 40 have a testosterone deficiency. That is why you are starting to see commervials for products like "ANDROGEL" on TV. ANDROGEL "Gets your motor runnin' "
Steve Grenier
on Dec 17, 2004
Assuming this is the end of this thread I want to thank
everyone for posting with the exception of a few.
on Dec 20, 2004
Like I said, I quit, but there are times I'd like to catch a good buzz,mostly when I have to deal with people a lot, and just chill out. Peace. Hippie
on Dec 20, 2004
okay - been there with the marijuana scene. I was one of those loafers once too. And age has nothing to do with it. However, experience does. You asked for facts - try reading the ones you don't agree with - there are many more studies finding fault with marijuana use than there are promoting it's use.
Delete if you feel the need (you did say all comments were welcome) - but you are in a serious state of denial - and no. that's not in Egypt.
So let's get personal (since you don't like to be challenged) how long do you plan to continue and what do you perceive as the long term effects of that behaviour.
on Dec 20, 2004
I smoke regularly and I really enjoy my habit. I don't drive after, I don't deal, I don't smoke until I can't stand up and I certainly don't smoke around children. I've known people in my past who do all these things. I don't associate with them now. Like all drugs, there are those that can and those that shouldn't. Often times, those that can don't and those that shouldn't do. But dare I say it, as an adult, I am responsible for the choices I make. I choose to smoke pot, just as I choose to read a particular newspaper or listen to a particular kind of music. I'm not going to preach to anyone else about it because it is MY habit, MY vice.
My final thought is they should legalise it, make it available under the same guidelines as alcohol.
on Dec 21, 2004
I started smoking pot in 1959 {priced at 50 dollors a shoebox full.... this was way before scales were invented lmao.....for ME pot was a gateway drug..... I used many others because I believe pot opened the door { I am and have been in recovery long time} I contracted hep c from needle use....
If you can smoke this times dope and remain concious, work, enjoy life, then I say smoke away..... just beware of the darkside of pot.
on Dec 21, 2004
Just a follow up thought: I didn't start smoking until I was an adult and by that, I mean in my late 20's. I have had nds who started when they were 14 or 15 and one friend who started when he was even younger. All of them, without fail, look like they are wasted, even when they are straight. They all exhibit classic stoner symptoms i.e forgetfulness, lethargy and apathy. A large percentage also have problems with anxiety and depression. I've spoken to a number of them about this, as they don't understand why I'm not like them. I tell them its because I believe they started smoking while they were still growing and developing. In other words, they were too young. Most agree with me but wouldn't have it any other way now.
on Dec 26, 2004
well i guess this thread is played out. hope no grudges will be held, this just happens to be a personal subject having lost someone to a driver under the influence.
All I can say is be careful how far you go and good luck.
on Feb 15, 2005
Steve, this is a bit off topic, but if you could please contact me I have a question about your Mac OS X skin for windows... possible bug. Has to do with minimizing and having the window not recover when it is restored. My email is ps3supp@centurytel.net hope to hear from you soon. Thanks.
on Apr 15, 2005
Well, the doctors says that Marijuana is bad for the brain. They say "brain", not "lungs". Anyway, when you smoke you can feel it in your throat, imagine your lungs making "cof cof" hahaha. I think that a thing that could work is grabe some marijuana leafs and put them in boiling water to make a tea.
on Dec 17, 2005
Good idea, as far as lung damage goes. Unfortunetely the problem is more complex than that. I don't think people in the US are really that concerned about people's lungs. The gov certainly couldn't give two figs about the lung damage involved. They are only concerned with the drug effects. Although it could be percieved as just another drug, and perhaps prescribed as a relaxant or something, I think the main opposition is due to the stigma it has as a "drug" drug. Ie "that's some drug that potheads and druggies use, we couldn't imagine prescribing it for actual clinical usage". But in reality, it's not much worse than the opiods that they already prescribe (ie codiene, hydrocodone, etc).
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