Published on December 13, 2004 By Steve Grenier In Blogging

I have tried having this conversion on other forums but it always gets out of hand with people flaming eachother. I just want to have a conversation about the subject and hear peoples thoughts on it and maybe clear some rumors about it up. There are many people who think it's bad and that it's very bad for your lungs. Me being from Canada I smoke it regularly so I don't have a problem with it. The only factor I can see is that it is bad for the lungs as is any smoke to inhale. I was thinking for medical reasons, if they extracted the THC from inside the plant and simply put it in canisters and distrubute it to patients much like anesthesia. That way there is no lung damage from inhaling the smoke and the patients can be given certian dosages to scale rather than having to smoke up.

Say what you have to say. All opinions welcome.

Comments (Page 5)
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on Dec 14, 2004
I hit myself with that hammer and many other hammers back in the day. I also would not listen to reason.
on Dec 14, 2004
Might as well add my two cents...

Pot should be legal, but controlled. Just like cigarettes, Alcohol and pharmaceutical drugs. If you get caught driving drunk, you go to jail. In the state of NY, there is a zero-tolerance policy on driving drunk, so pot should be able to fall in the same sort laws. As far as the statements of "dulling your senses" and all that, very true. Pot makes you stupid, no doubt about it, but cigarettes give you lung cancer (it says so, in plain english, right on the box), drinking gives you scirosis of the liver, and every other drug that you get a prescription for has side-effects. They are all the same thing, if you ask me. Why should one be illegal, and others not? The reason I think pot should be legal, is because it's not addictive, I don't care WHAT you say, it's not. If you think it is, then you've never been in the position to make that assumption. Cocaine, heroine, ecstasy, and the like are all EXTREMELY addictive and much much more harmful to your body. Those types of drugs should be illegal and for good reason, they should be banned from the planet earth!

Anyways, I've smoked pot for many years, and I still go about my life as normal. The difference is, I dont abuse it, I smoke once in a while when I just want to lay back and relax. If you smoke everyday, it loses its purpose. It takes the fun out of it, the motive for doing it becomes a blur. You start doing it "just to do it", it should never be that way, and that's talking from experience. Same goes for drinking, I drink once in a while, but damned if I'm gonna do it every day! If you abuse ANYTHING, then you will suffer the consenquences, I say be smart about it. Enjoy smoking pot if that's what you like to do, but don't be a fool and abuse it, or force your bad habit onto others. You will only hurt yourself in the long run.
on Dec 14, 2004
As far as madical marijuana goes. Hey they can give you morphine for pain, but not pot. Huh?
on Dec 14, 2004
"Marijuana causes people to lose their memory and lose their energy, and it makes them stupid... It is the last thing that one would want to see happen on or around a university or state capital.... And people who are casual about drugs ought to realize that a lot of people are dying in America." From The De-Valuing of America (page 130) by Former drug addicted Drug Czar William Bennett. (He was on nicotine maintenance when he was Drug Czar.)

"Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.". take the advice of ppl who hav been there and dun that.

on Dec 14, 2004
"Marijuana causes people to lose their memory and lose their energy, and it makes them stupid... It is the last thing that one would want to see happen on or around a university or state capital.... And people who are casual about drugs ought to realize that a lot of people are dying in America." From The De-Valuing of America (page 130) by Former drug addicted Drug Czar William Bennett. (He was on nicotine maintenance when he was Drug Czar.)

"Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.". take the advice of ppl who hav been there and dun that.

on Dec 14, 2004
I watched one of my best friends turn into a mental case, scizophrenic and paranoid.
My sister went from being artistic and clever to being dopey, uninspired and crabby whenever the topic was raised.

I find doped people to be irritating, unpredictable, and unattractive, as I do with drunk people.

Dope will never be a recreationally legal drug. I can't see any business touching another item like cigarettes without a very good chance of getting away with no lawsuits years down the track.

Medical use of marijuana *sounds* like a good idea, but it's not like a panadol, or a pack of strepsils for a dry sore throat, and it's effects are not localised to a specific purpose. It does more than just 'dull the pain', this property is not 'selectable' among it's other effects, therefore is not suitable as mainstream drug. Morphine is used for *extreme* pain, and is highly addictive if not controlled.

'Mad cows disease' is a disease which may take many many years to appear, but eventually your brain goes soft spongy and you become demented. 6months of eating mad cow hamburgers can give you the disease, even less time will. I'm not going to take the risk of 'trying' something out that hasn't at least been tested throughly and shown by some entity which is trustworthy to be 'safe'. I am afraid of things like not being able to remember who my family is when I am older, or accidentally injuring people because I am not able to think straight. The idea that I could do such a thing whilst out of my *own* control makes me feel ill and scared.

There are lots of things we do already that are damaging to ourselves and others. Sitting in front of this computer monitor is slowly damaging my eyes, making my arse fat, and potentially causing electromagnetic radiation effects resulting in brain cancers. I am aware of this, but distinct differences between everyday dangers and smoking are available, and usually it boils down to affecting your environment and people around you, and not just yourself.

Addictivness comes in many chemical and non chemical forms. A lot of it is to do with hormones (or something) the body and brain releases as a reaction to certain things, even things like chocolate. These 'feel good' hormones are addictive in themselves. If you train your brain that it can get unlimited supply of these hormones through 'cravings' of drugs, even marijuana, it initiate an addiction style situation. Withdrawl symptoms are a sign of addiction, if you stop marijuana smoking, then think 'oh I could really do with a good relaxing effect from marijuana', you are addicted. *You* might have the strength to go...'nah, I'll just go sit at the beach' or something but that strength is different from person to person. Eventually your brain might learn that it doesn't get it's hormone fix from those cravings anymore, and the 'urges' will subside. Hungry Jacks (Burger King) emplys these concepts blatently even in their advertising! 'It starts as just a niggling sensation, then the thought sticks, gotta have a flame grilled whopper' (or something like that) They fill the air with 'burger king smell' when you drive past, they are training your brain to associate 'pleasure-mones (heheh)' with their food.

Oh stuff it.
Nah, I don't like the idea of pot.
on Dec 14, 2004
I think frugus is right, this thread doesn't belong on a skinning site. We know that the folks at this site are a diverse bunch with with multiple, divergent viewpoints on everything from politics, to religion, to, in this case, recreational drug use. What is the point of debating opinions of what is still an illegal drug in most of the world? No one is going to change their opinion, and IMO, it's starting to make us all look a little silly.
on Dec 14, 2004
Saying things like that make you look silly welcome to life and try to have an educated conversation. It is a skinning site but if people didn't have anything to say about it, this thread would be just me and a bunch of pro pot lovers. It doesn't matter if it is illegal or legal its still an issue that can be discussed.
on Dec 14, 2004
According to my president, any illegal drug whether purchased, sold, consumed, etc., contributes to terrorism and I happen to agree. Marijuana will leave you sitting on a park bench while you contemplate stealing from the pigeons. I've seen the negative social impact it has on peoples lives, even people that do not consume it. I have found that chronic users are very unreliable usually reckless by nature, and cause a social/economic burden to modernized industrial societies.
on Dec 14, 2004
Just a little aside here. You asked for thoughts and that is what people are giving. Some are pro, some are against, and some think the discussion is misplaced. All are thoughts on the subject and all are valid. It should be possible to read through what people say without attacking them, or devaluing their position. If you feel strong enough in your position then different ideas shouldn't threaten you.
on Dec 14, 2004
A while back a long term member of this site wrote a few homespun stories. (which I liked BTW) A Wizop popped up on the thread and questioned their validity on a skinning site. The long term member got such a shock he disappeared for a while. Yet here we have a self confessed pot smoking driver (having held a licence for how long?) trying to get absolution (IMHO) for his habit under the guise of discussion. Marijuana discussions have been done to death.
If you are going to drink, smoke gigarettes, do pot or whatever else that takes your fancy that's your own private business. I don't see anything in this thread that has broken new ground or shed any light on what to me, is a heartbreaking problem. I'm not a wizop by any stretch of the imagination but why don't you take your discussion to the appropriate forums where you just might get some qualified discussion and assistance for you "recreational"
on Dec 15, 2004
Sorry Steve, I don't see that many 'pro pot lovers' posting their educated views One guy did say "Pot Rulezzzzzz" on the first page of the thread, though. Might extrapolate from that.

This is getting silly, but I'm getting a laugh out of it. Great to hear so many mature and well thought out posts though. And yeah, it's way off topic. I was kinda taken aback to see it on the front page here, but it's up to the admins whether or not it's an acceptable thread.
on Dec 15, 2004

Current options available are...

To allow the thread and observe...


Delete it.

To date there's no real reason to's just an odd topic...

on Dec 15, 2004
Steve - you opened your post by asking that people offer their opinions on an all welcome basis and wanting to avoid flaming that you experienced elsewhere.

I am embarassed for you

Some people on this site might be to arrogant to understand

Saying things like that make you look silly welcome to life and try to have an educated conversation

Given these are all you I think I've spotted why your previous attempts have led to flaming.
on Dec 15, 2004
Jafo..... a wise man.
I agree, it's an odd topic, but, everyone has their own opinion on a subject such as this and I simply choose to either read a thread or not but, "BRAND NEW WINDOWS TRAILER!", "Where you from?", "Freedom of speech", "Word association (Another annoying thread!)", "wstaylor wedding pictures", " It's Christmas Time...make a wish thread.", "Say Merry Christmas To Your Beloved Ones", "Christmas Carols", etc.............. have nothing to do with skinning yet they tend to be the threads with the most activity and sometimes the most lively. As for me.... Live and let live!! HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!
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