Published on December 13, 2004 By Steve Grenier In Blogging

I have tried having this conversion on other forums but it always gets out of hand with people flaming eachother. I just want to have a conversation about the subject and hear peoples thoughts on it and maybe clear some rumors about it up. There are many people who think it's bad and that it's very bad for your lungs. Me being from Canada I smoke it regularly so I don't have a problem with it. The only factor I can see is that it is bad for the lungs as is any smoke to inhale. I was thinking for medical reasons, if they extracted the THC from inside the plant and simply put it in canisters and distrubute it to patients much like anesthesia. That way there is no lung damage from inhaling the smoke and the patients can be given certian dosages to scale rather than having to smoke up.

Say what you have to say. All opinions welcome.

Comments (Page 6)
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on Dec 15, 2004
on Dec 15, 2004
Marijuana has an adictive ingredient in it. It's false to say that it's not adictive. It contains 10 times the amount of nicotine than a cigarette. I started smoking pot, then went on smoking cigarettes. A lot of people do the same. There are very few occasional pot smokers who don't get hooked on the nicotine. Either they end up smoking pot regularely, or they pick up smoking cigs.
on Dec 15, 2004
The correct penalty in Victoria is 3 demerit points and a fine of around $300. That is less than drink driving. I'm a Victorian, i enjoy recreational drugs, (not all Victorians do) my designated driver doesn't. True, there are stupid people out there, and they all seem to have extraordinarily loud opinions on the way that people should live their lives. Take for example religious zealots and conservative types. They seem to have the loudest voices and the narrowest opinions. The only guy that was actually a positive test hadn't smoked in a month. All the other people who tested positive on the first test passed the second test. Truly the media tells you what it wants you to hear.

All the emoticons are green. Hmmmmmmmjavascript:editor_insertHTML('ucCommentForm_comments_txtBody',' ')
javascript:editor_insertHTML('ucCommentForm_comments_txtBody',' ')
on Dec 15, 2004
Citizen Tombiepoo , you are an idiot, that was the most ridiculous comment i have ever read anywhere.
on Dec 15, 2004
to say that "tokeing up is safe while/before driving" shows your immaturity. as a former "smoker" i will disagree with your BS about it. your young and think your "invincible".. you will soon learn "that" isnt the case. i too was once young and arrogant but luckily i grew out of it before i harmed me or anybody else (i never drove while on it).. from your responces i doubt any body here will sway your "im superman" superiority complex... but i will say that weed is a depressant, not a stimulant( just like alcohol)..that is a FACT... do the research.. a few hundred thousand Doctors cant be wrong...the centralized feeling you get when high is not from being more "alert" to driving... it's actually kind of like having tunnel vision. it's easyer to focus when theres fewer things to focus on...essentially your periferal senses are the first dulled. those senses are what can make the differance between seeing and not seeing a tyke running out in to the street chaseing a ball.... my cousin/best friend was killed by a drunk when she was 4 i was 3... i still remember the car hopping the curb and whooshing by me on the sidewalk... the ambulances screaming never for get it...its something you take with you to the grave. imagine how the guy who killed her must feel???... yeh he too thought he was invincible ..he too had the "it dont effect me" attitude...any body who believes that they can drive "impared in any context". needs to have their driving priveleges revoked forever..if your that arrogant or stupid .. you dont need to be behind the wheel.....
on Dec 15, 2004

alfiejs be fair...we only have his word that he hasn't smoked for a month.

....and as you may know. Port Phillip Prison is full to the brim with innocent people.....

They will tell you that....

on Dec 15, 2004
Grow your dope, roll your dope, smoke your dope
on Dec 15, 2004
According to my president, any illegal drug whether purchased, sold, consumed, etc., contributes to terrorism and I happen to agree. Marijuana will leave you sitting on a park bench while you contemplate stealing from the pigeons. I've seen the negative social impact it has on peoples lives, even people that do not consume it. I have found that chronic users are very unreliable usually reckless by nature, and cause a social/economic burden to modernized industrial societies.

No offense...But that is just a complete load of rubbish and typical of people that can't think for themselves. If you choose that sort of thinking...simply paying your taxes contributes to terrorism since that money is used to produce WMD's "for this country" which has in turn have been provided to the very terrorist we are fighting...and they were given to them by your presidents who also trained those terrorists. This country is the largest provider or WMD's to terrorist through your tax dollars. So stop paying taxes.

As I said in my previous post...I have a friend who to this day continues to smoke pot...And not only does he build and fly airplanes...he is very meticulous in the process of building them. He also has one hanging in the Smithsonian Institute for breaking 3 world records...and I would have no trouble getting in any plane he has built and fly with him and feel completely safe. Pretty ambitious for a pot smoker I'd say...and he did without stealing from pigeons.

Opressing someone from finding some temporary escape from the every day stress of it through a host of other vices we all choose in some form or another can also lead to terrorism. When you continue to deny someone something they can responsibly use and back them up against a wall simply because "you" can't deal with it or you choose to jump on the "scare tactics" bandwagon...the only recourse you leave them is to lash out...then you label them a terrorist.

It boils down to personal responsibility...and thats the problem in this country one wants to takes responsibility for their own actions's alway some inanimate object thats to blame.

You would be great if people were as compassionate about the air and water we are destroying on this planet as they are about a plant. Or how about feeding the starving people in the world...I think your energies would be better used.

Posted via WinCustomize Browser/Stardock Central
on Dec 15, 2004
I personally would prefer to stay away from any addictive substances that make me lose full concious controll over my brain/actions. Especially alchahol, as I have a predisposition to becoming an alcaholic, but that's a different story...

I also think that even though we should have the right to do whatever the hell we want in the privacy of our own homes, our employers ALSO have the right to drug test if they should choose to do so. If you don't like your employers policies, work elsewhere.

I wholeheartedly disagree. In theory that's all fine and nice, but this isn't the town of perfection. Humanity has shown time after time that as a whole, we can't handle ourselves.

on Dec 15, 2004
i personally have no problem with a person having some escape. he can smoke up all he wants for all i care ... ... but he admits to driveing after lighting he may feel that its a risk worth takeing.. but is it?.... by driving under the influence he is not only putting his life in jeopardy .. but the lives of those around him..
on Dec 15, 2004
I understand some of you have had some problems with my posts leading to flaming. It wasn't my intention. I was trying to keep the thread on topic and stop people from making personal attacks against me or anyone else who has posted. It's nothing personal, so if you have taken offense, sorry.

You can write that I'm young and think I'm invincible but that isn't the case at all. I have many faults and I am aware. I never said driving while high or drunk is good. It's better to drive sober than under any influence. I'm sorry about that drunk driver but there is a difference between the effects of marijuana and alcohol when driving. Alcohol makes it much harder than marijuana ever could.

webgizmos great post man. I agree with you on everything you had said. There are a lot bigger problems in the world than this plant. But people only care about problems that affect them right now, instead of the long term affects.

Now I did admit to driving while high. I never said I go out blaze and jump behind the wheel, thats not how I get down. That's dumb and I'm not that dumb. All I meant when I said that before was that it is better than driving drunk, neither are good, but driving drunk is much worse.
on Dec 15, 2004
In for a penny - Webgizmo's logic as it was presented was fatally flawed.

The I know a man argument...... - well in the UK today a woman was in the paper who died aged 105 after a lifetime smoking without ill effect. By his logic we could all go out and smoke without worrying.

We are told how great his friend does with drugs - of course we will never know how much more he may have done without them.

To argue that poor Government choices on the international stage justifies an individuals right to choose which laws he will and will not obey is a tad spurious also.

In order for drugs to be compared with alcohol they must at least be of a consistent and predictable/measurable strength and quality. As yet (classic descriptions apart) there is no such standard that I'm aware of.

(Sorry Webgizmo, nothing personal - that darn frog of yours made a couple of leaps too many )
on Dec 15, 2004
I have smoked pot for 30 some years. It makes me mad people putting pot down, but drinking is fine. I can smoke an ounce of pot, drive go to the mall anything. 1 six pack and a car = dead people. I think they should leagalize pot, and make drinking against the law. Everyone that says pot should be illeagal, drinks. Now from years ago, I heard they couldn't extract THC. I have been around drugs most of my life, I'm a musician. The absolute worse drug I have ever seen, and I'm talking everything from Heroin to pot, is crack, rock, whatever you want to call it. I have never seen anything like that in my life. I think they should legealize all drugs. The idiots would OD, the drunk would run over each other, and the intelligent people lleft could enjoy there smoke without the bull. A friend of mine, years ago, said pot was for intelligent people who wanted to get stupid. He had an IQ of 180. I have an IQ of 150. So he must be right. By the way, I have stopped smoking pot, cigeretts, and drinking, and I didn't have to go to some stupid ass rehab center to do it. I just got tired of it. Peace. Hippie Age 53
on Dec 15, 2004
^^Gabriel: Unfortunately, maturity does not always come with age. Unfortunately, it seldomly arrives to most people. I dismiss that suggestion.

As I said before, I don't mind legal drugs. But then when you are addicted and you have fuked up your life, don't you start dipping in to my tax dollars for help. Or when you get cancer and need therapy, be ready to pay it out of pocket. I say the same should be true for alcohol and cigarettes. If you are smoking or drinking, you shouldn't be able to get insurance.

I think I'll do the same thing as Sleeping Dragon is doing and ignore this thread from now on. It is hard to do but I shall try to resist the temptation and maybe, hopefully, set an example for others.

And remember: Self-control is the ultimate form of maturity.
on Dec 15, 2004
One thing I forgot to mention, you know how pot affects you're memory. NO ONE HAS EVER DIED SMOKING POT. The one's they say did were also drunk, or doing some other drug, probably crack. As a matter of fact, there is usually some other substance that causes a person to do something stupid. Richard Pryor told a joke years ago. "You walk in an apartment building and listen at the door,and you can tell whose smoking pot, and whose drinking. The potheads say"Oh it's cool man, get the last hit". The drunks say " Man you drank the last bit we had" I was married to an alcoholic for 15 years. I HATE DRUNKS.
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